The first DEEP PURPLE standardization results
Standardisation is a voluntary cooperation among industry, consumers, public authorities and other interested parties for the development of technical specifications based on consensus.
Incorporating standardisation into research and innovation processes brings important benefits: standards and the process for developing them disseminate research and innovation knowledge to industry, society, public administrations and facilitate market acceptance of innovative products while increasing their relevance and are relevant tools in a technology transfer process.
EC within its EU valorisation policy recognizes the value of standards as a crucial tool to get the most out of research results as standards “form a common language that allows researchers, people and industry to communicate, produce and commercialize products and services”.
UNE, the Spanish standardisation organisation, is leading the activities related with standards in DEEP PURPLE project. UNE’s main objective is to facilitate the acceptance and utilization by the market of the developed solutions.
In the frame of that main objective, a new European standardization document on Extraction, production and purification of added value products from urban wastes has been drafted. The standardization document will be developed in two parts:
· CWA 17897-1:2022 “Extraction, production and purification of added value products from urban wastes – Part 1: Production and purification of ectoine obtained from biogas” specifies an operational process for biogas bioconversion into ectoine, the extraction of the ectoine from the resulting solution and its purification.
· CWA 17897-2: 2023 “Extraction, production and purification of added value products from urban wastes – Part 2: Extraction and purification of PHA biopolymers” that defines the process for extraction and purification of PHA bio polyesters from enriched biomass
Both documents can be downloaded free of charge in CEN-CENELEC website