New DEEP PURPLE Publication on environmental parameters during the production of ectoines
The team from Universidad de Valladolid published a very interesting open access publication in the ELSEVIER Journal of Environmental Management on “Elucidating the key environmental parameters during the production of ectoines from biogas by mixed methanotrophic consortia”.
- Methane bioconversion into ectoine by mixed methanotrophic consortia was validated.
- The highest ectoine accumulation occurred at the lowest temperature tested (15 °C)
- A high ectoine accumulation was observed at a salinity of 9 % NaCl.
- Methylomicrobium buryatense was the main methanotroph responsible of CH4-conversion.
- Hydroxyectoine, with a higher market value than ectoine, was also biosynthesized.
Please find more information and the link to the open access on the DEEP PURPLE publication here.